A common theory for proportion regulation in animals

9 Jul 2018, 18:00
Holme Building/--The Refectory (University of Sydney)

Holme Building/--The Refectory

University of Sydney

Board: 508
Poster Presentation Other Mathematical Biology Poster Session


Mayuko Iwamoto (Shimane University)


One of the fundamental problems in biology would be the method by which organisms can regulate a distribution in response to global information. For example, a cluster of organisms can regulate the proportion of individuals that perform various roles or modes as if each individual is aware of the overall situation without a leader. Slow or rapid self-organized pattern formations with time evolution on animal skins might also be one of the processes of ratio regulation of pigment cells. Thus, in various species, a specific ratio exists at multiple levels, from the process of cell differentiation in multicellular organisms to the situation of social dilemma in a group of human beings. In this study, we consider individual that means a particle who has a certain size and internal mode, then propose a common basis for regulating collective behaviour that is realized by a series of local contacts between individuals. The most essential behaviour of individuals is to change their internal mode by sharing information when in contact with others. Our numerical simulations and analysis for regulating the proportion in two kinds of modes show that asymmetric properties in local contacts are essential for adaptive regulation in response to global information. In this poster, some actual examples of proportion regulation are described and applicability of our theory would be verified. We will discuss that this simple mechanism of this theory could indicate that well-organized groups in nature can be regulated through local contacts only.

M. Iwamoto & D. Ueyama, “Basis of self-organized proportion regulation resulting from local contacts”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 440 (2018) 112–120.

Primary authors

Mayuko Iwamoto (Shimane University) Prof. Daishin Ueyama (Musashino University)

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