Zombies, foxes and murder: experiences in learning and teaching quantitative biology using technology

12 Jul 2018, 15:30
New Law School/--106 (University of Sydney)

New Law School/--106

University of Sydney

Oral Presentation Minisymposium: Interdisciplinary curriculum development at the interface of mathematics, life science and computing Interdisciplinary curriculum development at the interface of mathematics, life science, and computing: challenges and progress


Shelby Scott (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)


Since the publication of the National Research Council's Report BIO2010, efforts have increased to better integrate mathematics and biology at the undergraduate level. Unfortunately, similar efforts to introduce quantitative biology at the secondary level have been seldom. This can lead to quantitative achievement mismatch in students from different secondary backgrounds. We believe that technology can be used in order to diminish this mismatch. Technology has become pervasive in the personal lives of secondary and undergraduate students, but some instructors are hesitant to incorporate technology into pedagogy. In this work, we review available resources for teaching quantitative biology with technology, and anecdotally explore the effectiveness of learning with and teaching with these resources.

Primary author

Shelby Scott (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)


Ms Miranda Chen (University of Tennessee) Mrs Jessica Stevens (University of Tennessee)

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