A biochemical system is a biological system consisting of a collection of chemical compounds interacting with each other. One way to model and analyze a biochemical system is by using S-systems, which are coupled ordinary differential equations based on power-law formalism. In this work, we do a parameter estimation on an S-system model called HS96. This model, proposed by Hlavacek and Savageau in 1996, describes a simple genetic network consisting of five dependent variables $X_i,$ $i=1,2,...,5$. As a preliminary method, sensitivity analysis of HS96 is conducted to investigate the change in model outputs with respect to the changes in model parameters. Usual model outputs are $X_i$ and $\dot{X}_i,$ $i=1,2,...,5$. From the results of sensitivity analysis, model outputs are selected which are then used to estimate the parameters of the HS96 model. A hybrid of genetic algorithm with the interior point method is used in the parameter estimation.