Modelling cell proliferation times

11 Jul 2018, 16:20
New Law School/--020 (University of Sydney)

New Law School/--020

University of Sydney

Oral Presentation Techniques for Mathematical Biology In-host, cell cycle & differentiation


Catherine Penington (Macquarie University)


Typically, discrete stochastic models of cell proliferation use a rate to determine whether or not a cell proliferates at a particular time, producing an exponential distribution for the time between proliferation events. Actual experiments, however, suggest that cells actually have a Gaussian distribution in their time to proliferate, with a relatively small standard deviation. This talk will discuss the similarities and differences in the group behaviour depending on the proliferation model: both the surprising match after a single time step, and the large differences as simulations progress.

Primary author

Catherine Penington (Macquarie University)


Prof. Matthew Simpson (School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology)

Presentation Materials

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