Male mating strategies and primate monogamy

9 Jul 2018, 18:00
Holme Building/--The Refectory (University of Sydney)

Holme Building/--The Refectory

University of Sydney

Board: 401
Poster Presentation Evolutionary biology and Genetics Poster Session


Danya Rose (University of Sydney)


Primates exhibit an array of mating behaviours and arrangements, from monogamy to promiscuity, or mate-guarding to multiple-mating. We have previously explored the role of adult sex ratio in determining the likelihood of males choosing either promiscuity or monogamy, but many questions remain open. In particular, do (and, if so, how do) longevity and life history contribute to the choice of male strategy? And how can we characterise the effectiveness of guarding for those males who employ that strategy? We examine some of the trade offs that arise, and how they can influence the choice of male strategy.

Primary author

Danya Rose (University of Sydney)


Prof. Kristen Hawkes (University of Utah) Peter Kim (University of Sydney)

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