Investigating the role of iron in cancer progression via a multiscale computational model

11 Jul 2018, 15:00
New Law School/--104 (University of Sydney)

New Law School/--104

University of Sydney

Oral Presentation Disease - non-infectious Cancer & therapies


Dr Reinhard Laubenbacher (UConn Health)


It is becoming increasingly clear that tumour cells recruit cells in their surrounding microenvironment to aid in their proliferation. Tumour-associated macrophages and stromal cells are now believed to play a prominent role in tumour growth. Some evidence points to the fact that iron is a key player in the complex interactions between cancer cells and the microenvironment. This talk will present a computational model of tumour growth investigating the role of iron and the tumour microenvironment in tumour progression. Furthermore, the talk will describe how data gathered from a bioprinter will be used to calibrate the model.

Primary author

Dr Luis Sordo Vieira (UConn Health)


Dr Nicole Blanchette (UConn Health) Dr Si Li (University of Connecticut) Dr Paul Chen (University of Connecticut) Anson Ma (University of Connecticut) Dr Suzy Torti (UConn Health ) Dr Reinhard Laubenbacher (UConn Health)

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