Spatial moment models for collective cell behaviour

11 Jul 2018, 10:30
New Law School/--101 (University of Sydney)

New Law School/--101

University of Sydney

Oral Presentation Minisymposium: Nonlocal models in biology Nonlocal models in biology


Dr Michael Plank (University of Canterbury)


Many PDE-based models of collective cell behaviour implicitly assume that the population of cells is ‘well mixed’. This is called a spatial mean-field assumption. In reality, populations often have a more complex spatial structure, such as clusters and/or spatial segregation of cells. This spatial structure is both a cause and an effect of non-local interactions among cells and can make a significant difference to model predictions about, for example, cell densities and invasion speeds. I will describe an individual-based model of collective cell behaviour that is based on interactions between pairs of cells, including a novel neighbour-dependent directional bias. I will then show how a continuum approximation to the individual-based model can be derived using spatial moment dynamics. This approximation tracks important features of the population spatial structure and incorporates non-local interactions that affect processes such as movement and mortality. Finally, I will show how experimental data can be used to estimate model parameters.

Primary authors

Dr Michael Plank (University of Canterbury) Dr Rachelle Binny (Manaaki Whenua) Prof. Matthew Simpson (Queensland University of Technology) Dr Parvathi Haridas (Queensland University of Technology) Prof. Richard Law (University of York) Dr Alex James (University of Canterbury)

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