Assessing physical control mechanisms in lung branching morphogenesis

12 Jul 2018, 10:30
New Law School/--102 (University of Sydney)

New Law School/--102

University of Sydney

Oral Presentation Minisymposium: Internal flows in soft tissue tubes: Evo + Devo + Physio Internal flows in soft tissue tubes: Evo + Devo + Physio


Sharon R. Lubkin (North Carolina State University)


We have developed several models of the physical control of branching morphogenesis in the lung, considering a variety of factors, including transport and mechanics. Simple models can explain complex phenomena, though how reasonable a model initially seems is not necessarily correlated with its ultimate explanatory power. In this talk, we will present a variety of models of branching morphogenesis, and compare their implications.

Primary author

Sharon R. Lubkin (North Carolina State University)

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