Information for Presenters

Poster Presentations

We are planning for an exciting and engaging poster session on Monday 9 July at SMB2018.  The following information will help you as you prepare your presentation.

  1. The posterboards are 1800mm high and 1200mm wide.  You can present a poster that is any size, as long as it fits on the board.  One very common format for posters on these boards is A0 portrait format, that is 1189mm high and 841mm wide.
  2. If you do not want to travel with your poster, printing can be arranged at Officeworks, Glebe, which is 7 minutes walk from the poster session venue.  Printing usually takes 3 to 7 business days.  We have found that it is acceptable quality and suggest that you submit a .jpeg file for printing, or use a PDF with embedded fonts.  Please use the link and make sure that you have nominated Glebe as your pick-up store and that you have nominated the correct size.

Oral Presentations

The timetabling of the oral presentations is being finalised.

Talks in the minisymposia will be 25 minutes followed by 5 minutes for questions and change-over.

Contributed talks will be 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes for questions and change-over.

All the venues have computers to which presentations can be transferred.  Should presenters wish to use their own equipment there is at least VGA input for the projectors in the venues, however the presenters will have to provide whatever adapters may be required.