Conference Dinner Information & Transport

The conference dinner will be held at the Grand Ballroom, Luna Park (amusement park), Milson's Point, near the north-western pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Enter through the Luna Park face (which is impossible to miss). The rides at Luna Park are not generally open at the time of our conference, however we have arranged for two, the Wild Mouse (a roller coaster) and the Tango Train. You will need to show your conference dinner wrist band to use the rides.

The dinner venue inside Luna Park will have SMB2018 signs out the front and will be open from 18:30 starting with pre-dinner drinks and canapes.  Dinner itself will be finished by 21:30 and the event will conclude at 22:30.

You can get to the conference dinner either by public transport or by purchasing a ticket for a conference bus from Sydney University campus to Luna Park for $15

You can return by public transport (recommended if your hotel is in the city or near Central) or by a free bus to Sydney University campus (recommended if your hotel is in Glebe, Camperdown, Chippendale or Newtown).

Transport details

Public transport

Public transport by train or ferry is likely to be the quickest, cheapest and most scenic way to get there.  If you are travelling to the conference dinner by public transport, you will need an Opal card with at least $5 on it (or $10 for return travel or more if you use the ferry).  Opal cards with $10 are available from the Registration Desk (cash only) or from the UniMart shop across the City Road footbridge (card or cash) where you can also top up your Opal card if you already have one.  Please see for detailed information about Sydney public transport.

If you would like to travel by train to the conference dinner as part of a group, please meet on Eastern Avenue, outside the Law School from 17:15.  As people gather, groups will leave for Redfern train station, led by a conference volunteer. The last group will leave at 18:00. Please make sure that you have an Opal card if you are joining these groups.  You will not be able to buy an Opal card on the way.

Groups headed by conference volunteers will leave Luna Park at 21:30, 22:00 and 22:30 and walk to Milson’s Point train station to catch a train back into the city.

Train: There are frequent train services on the T1 line to Milson’s Point station. These leave from Redfern station, Platform 3 or Central station, Platform 16.  You can also catch T1 trains from Town Hall and Wynyard stations. When you arrive at Milson’s Point station, turn right out of the ticket barrier and then left down the hill toward the harbour. 

Ferry: Catch the F3 or F4 ferry service from Wharf 5 at Circular Quay.  There are frequent services from Circular Quay to Milson’s Point between 17:00 and 18:30.  The easiest way to get to Circular Quay from the University of Sydney is to catch the T2 train from Platform 5 at Redfern or Platform 17 at Central and get off at Circular Quay station.


Travel by car usually takes around 35 minutes, but please be aware that the peak hour traffic may delay your journey.

Conference Dinner Bus

A bus will leave the University of Sydney at 17:15 (from outside the Fisher Library) and travel to Luna Park.  To take this bus you need to buy a ticket.

There will be free buses returning from Luna Park to the University of Sydney campus.  Buses will leave at 21:30, 22:00 and 22:30.  Please register for the bus back from Luna Park via the registration form.