Transport phenomena in biological processes
- Anthony Kearsley (Applied and Computational Mathematics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Biological processes are often dominated by diffusion processes, and a rigorous quantitative understanding of these application specific processes is crucial to advances in mathematical biology. Partial differential equations (PDE) have proved to be a natural way to model these processes in a surprising variety of specific applications. In this minisymposium a pertinent collection of developments at the interface of transport phenomena and PDE will be presented. A unifying theme of presentations will be analytic and computational methods for modelling, simulating and solving PDE to advance the understanding of biological processes, and vice-versa.
The placenta is critical for our first nine months of life, as it provides nutrients from mother’s blood and clears waste from the fetal circulation. The main structures that make up the placenta are villus trees, so called because they form a complex branching structure, like the branching of a tree, to provide a large surface area for exchange. Many pregnancy complications are associated...
Mitochondria are specialised organelles that produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule used by cells as an energy source. Mitochondria form dynamic networks that constantly undergo fission and fusion in response to increased ATP demand. There is a lack of high-resolution data tracking the reorganisation mitochondrial networks in a beating heart cell. We use an agent-based model to...
The relationship between gut microbiota and health has been of keen interest for the past several years. The physical inaccessibility of the colon makes alternative research approaches a valuable addition to the clinical research done in this area. In this seminar, we discuss the compuGUT - a numerical simulation tool for studying anaerobic digestion and physiology in the colon. The underlying...
Tailoring therapies to individuals for personalized care can be safer and yield superior outcomes with lower doses for conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimers disease, or even certain cancers. However, widespread use of personalized care is currently limited by our inability to routinely measure pathology and detect biomarkers. Moreover, existing strategies require specialized facilities, can...