
Host-parasite coevolution in space

10 Jul 2018, 10:30
New Law School/--101 (University of Sydney)

New Law School/--101

University of Sydney



Host-parasite coevolution in space

  • Michael Boots (UC Berkeley)
  • Akira Sasaki (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))


Spatial structure greatly influences the demography and evolution of organisms. This minisymposium focuses on the effect of self-structured spatial heterogeneity on the evolution of host-parasite ecological interaction and intra-host immunological interactions. Our specific focus includes multilevel selection in self-organized meta-population structure, evolutionary games played between coinfecting pathogens, host structures favouring cell-free (global) versus cell-to-cell (local) transmissions, and coevolutionary interaction between insects and their pathogens. Both experimental and empirical studies of recent plant virology and insect parasitology will be introduced to test the theoretical predictions.

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