Mathematics neuroscience subgroup
- Janet Best (The Ohio State University)
This minisymposium will address topics in mathematical neuroscience and will serve as a hub for scientific interaction of the Mathematics Neuroscience subgroup.
In volume transmission, neurons in one brain nucleus send their axons to a second nucleus where neurotransmitter is released into the extracellular space. In [1] we showed how to calculate the average amount of neurotransmitter at different parts of the extracellular space, depending on neural properties and the geometry of the projections and extracellular space. We showed how to formulate...
In this talk presented at the Mathematical Neuroscience Subgroup Minisymposium I will discuss a numerical analysis of the steady-state solutions of a neural field model of the corticothalamic system. The independent synaptic connections of the corticothalamic model define an eight-dimensional parameter space, while specific combinations of these connections parameterize intracortical,...
Thermoregulatory responses are partially controlled by the preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus (PO/AH), which contains a mixed population of temperature-sensitive and insensitive neurons. In [1] based on physiological data, a Hodgkin-Huxley-like conductance based model was constructed. This model suggests that most PO/AH neurons have the same types of ionic channels, but different levels...
Neural spiking and bursting rhythms in space-clamped (i.e., ODE) models are typically driven by either canard dynamics or slow passage through Hopf bifurcations. In both cases, solutions which are attracted to quasi-stationary states (QSS) sufficiently before a fold or Hopf bifurcation remain near the QSS for long times after the states have become repelling, resulting in a significant delay...