Predator-prey, competition, extinction
- Payal Bal (University of Melbourne)
Oscillation of lateral asymmetry diorphism is first found in scale eating cichlid, Perrisodus microlepis. Fraction of their lefty morph oscillates around 0.5 in about 5 year period. Other fish or aquatic invertebrates also reveal lateral asymmetry dimorphism and oscillation of morph fractions. One of key factors of oscillation is cross predation dominance: lefty predator eats more righty...
The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a pest insect which has the propensity to destroy a wide variety of common crops. It ranges over Eastern and Central North America and, since 2016, has been invasive in Africa resulting in significant economic damage. The fall armyworm is susceptible to Bt derived insecticides, making Bt modified crops a viable method for controlling this species....
In this talk, we consider the dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra prey-predator model by a class of delay differential equations. The number of prey varies due to a general nonlinear predators' consumption rate with delays. Under the assumption that the consumption rate is monotonically increasing with respect to the number of prey, we investigate the effect of the nonlinearity and delays on the...
The Hassell equation is a classic discrete-time population model which has been widely used to model population dynamics of species with seasonal reproduction. This equation is a generalization of the Beverton-Holt equation with an additional exponent, and can describe various types of reproduction curves exhibiting from exact-compensation (contest competition) to over-compensation (scramble...
Introduced species are a critical threat to Australian ecosystems and species. Particularly noxious examples include the European carp, feral cats, and a variety of weeds. A central aspect of introduced species management is eradication – if they can be completely removed from a region, the impact can be nullified. A central problem population eradications is knowing whether the species has...
In this study, we propose a new Bayesian approach to calculate the expected extinction time of a species based on historical sighting record data. Unlike other work, our model allows comprehensively for uncertainties, provides the expected extinction time and the probability of extinction. It is extremely difficult to determine whether a species is extinct based on historical sighting...