Growth & motility
- Scott McCue (Queensland University of Technology)
Birth-death-movement processes, modulated by interactions between individuals, are fundamental to many biological processes such as development, repair and disease. Similar interactions are also relevant in ecology. A key feature of the movement of cells within in vivo environments are the interactions between motile cells and stationary obstacles, such as the extracellular matrix and...
Budding yeasts, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast), that are grown on a solid substrate are able to alter their growth pattern to suit the surrounding nutrient level. When nutrient is readily available, buds separate from the mother cell to produce colonies that appear close to circular when viewed from above. When nutrient is limited, the cells reproduce via the pseudohyphal...
The growth of several biological tissues is known to be controlled by local geometrical cues, such as the curvature of the tissue interface. Geometry modulates cells collectively through the evolving space available to the population of cells, but it may also modulate the individual behaviours of cells. In this contribution, I will first present how the influence of curvature on the collective...