Registration will open in mid-2019.
Key dates
- Early bird ends 30 October 2019.
- Registration ends 15 November 2019.
- Abstract submission ends 15 November 2019.
Contributed talks
Registered participants may present a contributed talk at the conference. Contributed talks will be around 20 - 25 minutes long, including time for questions.
- Download the files absSurname.tex and cmsa-abs.sty.
- Replace "Surname" in the filename "absSurname.tex" by the surname of the speaker.
- Enter the speaker's name, abstract, and other information in the file. The abstract should be between one paragraph and half a page in length.
- Do not edit the file cmsa-abs.sty.
- Check that the file compiles without errors using pdflatex.
- Email the file to with subject line "Abstract submission".
Abstracts should be submitted by 15 November 2019.